Alerts and Notices Trader Alerts

Trader Alert 23-13: Fee Schedule Update Effective April 3, 2023

Effective Monday, April 3, 2023, MEMX will be implementing the following change to transaction fees, subject to filing with the SEC:

  • Remove the alternative criteria under NBBO Setter/Joiner Tier 1. 

The change is reflected in bold text below. 

NBBO Setter/Joiner Tiers

TierAdditive Rebate Per Share*Required Criteria
Tier 1$(0.0004)Member has (1) an ADAV with respect to orders with Fee Code B ≥ 0.10% of the TCV; or (2) an ADAV with respect to orders with Fee Code B ≥ 10,000,000 shares

Please see the Fee Schedule for more details.

Contact Market Operations or your MEMX Relationship Manager with any questions.